Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Better late than never

So..I'm not a blogger at all. I don't read blogs. I don't really know what a blog entails. But as a 30 year old woman with 3 kids, I am feeling blog peer pressure. Peer pressure used to be having the right toy or snack in your lunch in elementary school to matching my scrunchie with my tube socks in jr. high to boys and friday night plans in high school. But now I feel the pressure of being the super involved mom in my daughters class when really all I feel the need to do is get her there dressed and on time and I can call it a day.

I seem to be surrounded by wonderful super creative people that make these amazing blogs with titles they must have worked on for days and pics that look cut out from a magazine. But it so freeing when I don't feel the need to keep up with everyone and just be myself. This may just be a "blog" or memoir that I can keep for myself and pass onto my kids someday. It may just have black and white words on the page but what is great is that I am o.k. with that.

So here is the beginning.....it will be simple. honest. raw.... and just me.


  1. Yes, I get to be the first to comment on the new blog. I love hearing your thoughts already. Isn't it funny how we feel the peer pressure. I've put my blog on the shelf for awhile...but maybe you will 'peer pressure' me into getting it going again :) And I so hear you on getting kids to school on time...def. feels like an accomplishment, especially if their hair is combed and we didn't forget the lunch too. LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Hey Jenny, you don't me but we go to the same church. My kids are grown now and getting married. I've never blogged. This is my first time commenting on a blog! Yee haw! Peer pressure? In my peers we're just happy to have blood pressure. :-)

  3. You're amazing just being yourself. Please don't change =]

    P.S. I was so close to using this background! Super cute.
